Making material amends towards repairing a harm. Releasing land ownership to honour agreements to share the land. Stepping forward with time and labour in solidarity with Indigenous-led initiatives.
Land Return
Sweat Equity
Share the Gifts – Honour the Treaties is working to find and facilitate tangible ways for non-Indigenous people and organizations to honour the Treaties made with Indigenous nations in the territories of Turtle Island often called “Canada”. This means our focus is on material reparations, developing and strengthening relationships between Treaty partners, and building on the many educational resources available. Developed with inspiration from a movement in Australia called “Pay the Rent” Share the Gifts – Honour the Treaties acknowledges that Treaties with Indigenous peoples have not been honoured and seeks ways to change this.
Treaty One
The Keepers of the Circle for Share the Gifts – Honour the Treaties are primarily based in Treaty One territory, so most of our members are relationally tied to the work being done in this area. Specifically, we seek to reengage with the spirit and intent of Treaty One – made between the Anishinaabe, Swampy Cree and the British Crown–which provides benefits and responsibilities to the communities of: “Winnipeg, Brandon, Portage La Prairie, Selkirk, Steinbach, Lundar, Grand Beach, Emerson, Winkler and many more” (Source 1, Source 2, Source 3). However, we welcome interest from the surrounding Numbered Treaty Territories and across Turtle Island. We also look to other work being done worldwide and actions being taken in other Indigenous territories.
Share the Gifts – Honour the Treaties focuses on the Treaty obligations for non-Indigenous people as guests on the land, as well as on reparations. Reparation is an intentional choice to do something towards repairing a harm, in this case the violence that has been done to Indigenous peoples through settler colonialism and genocide. Read more about this topic and our values here.
The challenge of reparation is to let go of the need for control – to accept that the outcomes are not ours (as non-Indigenous Treaty partners) to direct and to trust that Indigenous people know best how money and resources will benefit their own communities.
See original video at:
We want to build long-term relationships with our community. Contact us to find out how you can get involved in our core group or how we can support you and your community to take the next steps into decolonizing action.
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